Get on the Web!

Isn’t it nice to be able to locate your assignments and access them via the web?  I love this feature about HACC.  Not only is it easy to access, but it allows you the time to still go about your day as you normally would without having to go into a classroom.  I first started taking online courses at HACC two summers ago.  I was pretty hesitant about it, but I was willing to take a risk.  Now, here I am in my last semester at HACC and all of my classes are online.  Some people may say, “well there’s no interaction with others,” but actually, you’d be surprised by the amount of time you take talking to other classmates.  There are all sorts of topics in discussion questions, in chat rooms and even access to students emails in case you’re too embarrassed to ask in front of the whole class.  I think it gives a unique quality to learning, and really gives you the ability to focus when you’re ready to focus. Sometimes I would find myself going into class and not getting a single thing out of it because I had everything else going on.  In virtual school at HACC, I am able to sit down and give my full attention to my work when I know that I will have the time to focus and make the most out of my education.  It has been a great learning experience for me, and has opened me up to a whole new world of learning.  Might I add, the teachers are extremely nice and willing to work with you via the web, so that’s a plus!  I would recommend virtual learning to a lot of students, that is if you have the determination and loyalty to do the work on your own.